Registration > Registration fees


CategoriesEarly Rate    Regular Rate  
Students 250€ 300€
Participants 350€ 400€
Additional guest (for the gala dinner only) 50€ 50€ 

The registration fees include:

- Participation in all conference sessions
- Participation in the Inaugural Reception on Monday June 29th
- Participation in the Gala Dinner on Tuesday, June 30th
- Participation in all coffee breaks

Registration Process:

Once you complete and submit the registration form you will be invited by email to proceed to payment by credit card.

Note : If you register as a student please send a copy of your student ID when registering to

To Register a Guest:

If you want to register a guest who will not participate at the meeting but who would like to join our Gala Dinner please select YES at the "Guest gala dinner" and in the field "guest information" please type the first name and family name of the guest.

The University of Strasbourg offers free registration under the framework of the IdEx Unistra (Limited number) Deadline June 10th, 2020.

To be eligible :

1) You must be a University of Strasbourg Student

2) You must send a copy of your student ID when registering to

The places are limited. Priority will be given to students whose abstract has been selected. Registration excludes participation at the gala dinner which is available as an option.

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